Digital marketing for On-The-Go-Tray

Ideas are great, but a plan is better! Let’s bring On-The-Go-Tray to market in a big way!

Marketing in the digital age . . .

Marketing is about connecting your product with the right people in the right way. It’s essential to have a solid plan and efficient systems in place to ensure your product’s message reaches its intended audience, creating the best chances for success in the market.

Think of it as a three-step process:

  1. Understanding your audience: Before anything else, we need to know who your potential customers are, what they want, and where they are. This helps us tailor our approach and messages specifically to them, increasing the chances of connecting with them effectively.

  2. Creating a plan: Once we know who we’re talking to, we can develop a marketing plan. This plan outlines the strategies and tactics we’ll use to promote your product. It includes various channels like social media, advertising, content marketing, etc., to ensure we’re reaching your audience at different touchpoints.

  3. Implementing systems: Having a well-thought-out plan is great, but it needs a reliable system to execute it efficiently. We’ll set up systems to measure the success of each marketing effort, analyze the results, and make data-driven decisions to continuously improve our approach.

Below you will find the “Scope of Work” section which outlines a plan and action steps for marketing the product. This work is absolutely vital for growing and scaling your business in the digital marketing age. **Please review carefully.

Scope of Work

  1. Introduction: The On-The-Go Tray is a versatile and innovative product designed to provide a convenient dining experience anytime, anywhere, anyplace. Our marketing plan aims to promote the On-The-Go Tray to a diverse audience, including mothers with children, traveling business people, world and leisure travelers, and adventure seekers. We will leverage various digital marketing strategies, including converting lead pages, sales funnels, email marketing, and user-generated content (UGC) from influencers on social media to reach our target audience effectively.
  2. Target Audience: Our primary target audience consists of:
  • Philanthropic Individuals: Emphasizing the charitable initiative where a percentage of the proceeds from every On-The-Go Tray purchase goes towards feeding children in need. We will target socially conscious consumers who are passionate about making a positive impact and contributing to meaningful causes.
  • Mothers with children: Emphasizing the convenience of the On-The-Go Tray for family outings, picnics, and travel.
  • Traveling business people: Highlighting its efficiency during business trips, in-flight dining, and remote work.
  • World and leisure travelers: Showcasing its portability for use during vacations and outdoor adventures.
  • Adventure seekers: Position the product as an essential companion for outdoor activities, camping, and exploration.
  1. Digital Marketing Strategies:
  2. a) Converting Lead Pages: We will design engaging and visually appealing lead pages on our website that showcase the benefits and features of the On-The-Go Tray. These lead pages will serve as entry points for potential customers and capture their interest through compelling visuals and persuasive copy. To maximize conversions, we will use A/B testing to identify the most effective page design and content.
  3. b) Sales Funnels: Implementing targeted sales funnels will guide potential customers through the purchasing journey. Tailored content and personalized messaging will be utilized at each stage of the funnel to nurture leads and encourage conversions. By understanding the unique needs and preferences of our audience segments, we can provide relevant information and incentives to drive sales.
  4. c) Email Marketing: We will leverage email marketing campaigns to maintain engagement with our audience, share product updates, and offer exclusive promotions. Personalized email sequences will be crafted to nurture leads and encourage repeat purchases. To incentivize sign-ups, we will offer a special discount to first-time subscribers.
  5. d) User-Generated Content (UGC): Collaborating with influencers on social media platforms will help build brand credibility and reach a wider audience. Influencers will showcase the On-The-Go Tray in various real-life scenarios, demonstrating its versatility and practicality. User-generated content will also be encouraged through social media contests, where customers can share their On-The-Go Tray experiences for a chance to win exclusive rewards.
  6. Social Media Strategy: Our social media strategy will focus on engaging our target audience through various platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok. Visual storytelling, featuring diverse scenarios where the On-The-Go Tray is utilized, will be at the core of our content. We will encourage interaction and feedback from followers, creating a sense of community and loyalty.
  7. Charitable Initiative: A key aspect of our marketing plan will be highlighting the charitable initiative where a percentage of the proceeds from every On-The-Go Tray purchase goes towards feeding children in need. By communicating our commitment to making a positive impact, we aim to attract socially conscious consumers who align with our mission.
  8. Measurement and Analysis: Throughout our marketing campaign, we will closely monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, conversion rates, email open rates, and social media engagement. By analyzing the data, we can fine-tune our strategies and optimize our marketing efforts for better results.
  9. Conclusion: The marketing plan for the On-The-Go Tray centers around leveraging digital marketing strategies, influencer partnerships, and a charitable initiative to reach our target audience effectively. By providing a convenient dining solution for mothers, travelers, and adventure seekers, we aim to position the On-The-Go Tray as an essential companion for all on-the-move occasions.
  1. Website and Sales Funnel: A robust website and well-optimized sales funnel are essential components of our marketing strategy for the “On-The-Go Tray.” The website I build will serve as our digital storefront, providing potential customers with crucial information about the product, its features, and the charitable initiative. The sales funnel will guide visitors through the purchasing journey, turning them into loyal customers. Here’s why these systems are necessary:

    a. Enhanced Brand Visibility: A professionally designed website will showcase the product’s unique selling points, emphasizing its convenience and versatility. An engaging and user-friendly interface will create a positive brand image, increasing credibility and encouraging visitors to explore further.

    b. Lead Generation and Conversion: The sales funnel will strategically capture leads and nurture them through the sales process. By offering valuable content and incentives at various touchpoints, we can convert prospects into customers efficiently.

    c. Seamless User Experience: A well-structured website and sales funnel ensure a smooth and seamless user experience. Easy navigation, clear calls-to-action, and a simple checkout process will minimize drop-offs and maximize conversions.

    d. Data Collection and Analysis: These systems allow us to collect valuable customer data, enabling us to gain insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and pain points. Analyzing this data will help us optimize marketing strategies and improve customer engagement.

  2. CRM Software (Customer Relationship Management): Implementing a CRM software is vital for managing customer interactions, improving customer service, and enhancing overall sales effectiveness. As we engage with various customer segments, both B2C and B2B, CRM software will play a critical role in our marketing efforts. Here’s why it is necessary:

    a. Customer Database Management: The CRM software will centralize and organize customer data, including contact information, purchase history, and preferences. This database will enable us to tailor marketing messages and promotions based on individual customer needs.

    b. Personalization and Segmentation: By segmenting our customer base, we can deliver personalized marketing campaigns that resonate with specific groups. Customized content and targeted offers will increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    c. Sales Team Coordination: CRM software facilitates seamless communication between the marketing and sales teams. It provides insights into leads generated through marketing efforts, allowing the sales team to follow up effectively and close deals efficiently.

    d. Automated Workflows: Streamlined processes within the CRM software will automate routine tasks, such as email follow-ups and lead tracking. This automation will save time, reduce manual errors, and ensure consistent communication with customers.

  3. Shipping System for Order Organization: As orders for the “On-The-Go Tray” increase, an efficient shipping system becomes crucial for smooth operations and customer satisfaction. Here’s why implementing a shipping system is necessary:

    a. Order Processing Efficiency: An organized shipping system ensures timely processing of orders, reducing fulfillment times and enhancing customer experience. Customers will receive their products promptly, leading to increased satisfaction and positive reviews.

    b. Inventory Management: The shipping system will allow us to keep track of inventory levels and shipping status in real-time. This data will help us avoid stockouts, maintain adequate inventory, and minimize shipping delays.

    c. Shipping Cost Optimization: With a shipping system in place, we can compare shipping rates, choose the most cost-effective carriers, and negotiate better shipping deals. This optimization will contribute to overall cost savings and improved profit margins.

    d. Tracking and Customer Communication: A shipping system with tracking capabilities will enable us to provide customers with real-time shipping updates. Transparent communication about shipping status enhances trust and reduces customer inquiries.

By implementing these necessary systems, we will streamline our marketing operations, enhance customer engagement, and efficiently handle the shipping process.

In today’s digitally connected world, content development plays a pivotal role in building brand awareness, engaging with the target audience, and driving sales. We will build these pages for you. For the successful marketing of the “On-The-Go Tray,” employing a comprehensive content strategy across social media platforms, blogs, and influencer partnerships is imperative. Here’s why:

1. Social Media Platforms:

Importance: Social media platforms have become powerful channels for reaching and engaging with potential customers. By creating and sharing relevant and captivating content on platforms like Tiktok, Instagram, and Facebook, we can connect with our target audience on a personal level.


  • Increased Brand Visibility: Posting engaging content regularly on social media exposes the “On-The-Go Tray” to a larger audience, fostering brand recognition and recall.
  • Direct Customer Interaction: Social media enables direct communication with customers, encouraging feedback, addressing queries, and building a loyal community.
  • Viral Potential: Shareable content has the potential to go viral, significantly increasing reach and exposure to new audiences.
  • Data Insights: Social media analytics provide valuable insights into audience preferences and engagement, guiding future content strategies.

2. Blogs:

Importance: Blogging presents an opportunity to provide in-depth information about the “On-The-Go Tray” and its benefits, showcasing it as a solution to customers’ needs.


  • Thought Leadership: Through well-crafted blog posts, we can establish our brand as a thought leader in the travel and outdoor products space, building trust and credibility.
  • SEO Benefits: Blogs with relevant keywords can improve search engine rankings, leading to increased organic traffic and website visibility.
  • Educational Content: Blogs allow us to educate customers about the product’s features, uses, and versatility, helping them make informed purchase decisions.
  • Shareable and Linkable: Engaging blog content can be shared across social media and linked by other websites, boosting our online authority.

3. Influencer Partnerships:

Importance: Collaborating with influencers who align with our brand values and target audience can significantly boost brand awareness and product visibility.


  • Leveraging Trust and Authority: Influencers have established credibility and trust with their followers. When they endorse the “On-The-Go Tray,” their audience is more likely to trust and consider the product.
  • Wider Reach: Influencers often have a large and engaged following, allowing us to reach new audiences and potential customers.
  • Authentic Product Reviews: Influencers can provide authentic product reviews and testimonials, showcasing real-life usage and benefits.
  • Creative Content: Influencers can create captivating and unique content around the “On-The-Go Tray,” making it more appealing to their followers.

By employing a robust content development strategy across social media, blogs, and influencer partnerships, we can effectively engage with our target audience, share the benefits of the “On-The-Go Tray,” and generate excitement and demand for the product. This comprehensive approach will strengthen our brand’s online presence, foster customer loyalty, and drive sales growth.

1. Value-Based Marketing to the Core Audience:

At the core of our marketing strategy for the “On-The-Go Tray” is value-based marketing, focusing on the unique features and benefits that resonate with our target audience. We will emphasize the following key values in our messaging:

Convenience and Portability: We understand the busy lifestyle of our core audience, including mothers with children, traveling business people, world and leisure travelers, adventure seekers, and individuals who enjoy contributing to charitable causes. Our “On-The-Go Tray” brings unparalleled convenience to their lives, allowing them to enjoy meals or snacks anytime, anywhere, without compromising on comfort.

Quality and Durability: We are committed to producing a product of the highest quality. Our tray is made in the USA, ensuring superior craftsmanship and durability, making it a reliable companion for all their adventures and daily activities.

Commitment to Giving Back: We believe in making a positive impact on society, especially for children facing food insecurity. By purchasing the “On-The-Go Tray,” customers are not just investing in a functional product but also contributing to a meaningful cause.

2. Cause Marketing Tactics:

Promoting the Charitable Aspect: To leverage cause marketing, we will integrate the charitable aspect of the product into our marketing campaigns. We will highlight how a percentage of proceeds from every “On-The-Go Tray” purchase goes towards supporting children struggling with food insecurity. Our messaging will convey that every tray sold directly contributes to feeding a child in need.

Collaborating with Charitable Organizations: We will partner with reputable charitable organizations focused on children’s welfare and food security. Through these partnerships, we will showcase the tangible impact of our initiative and communicate the efforts made to alleviate hunger among children.

Transparency and Impact Reports: Transparency is key in cause marketing. We will provide regular impact reports to our customers, detailing how their contributions are being utilized to help children in need. These reports will demonstrate the tangible outcomes of their purchases, fostering a sense of pride and fulfillment in supporting our cause.

Social Media Campaigns and UGC: Social media will be a powerful tool to spread the message of our cause. We will run targeted social media campaigns, encouraging customers to share their experiences with the “On-The-Go Tray” and how they are contributing to the charitable cause. User-generated content (UGC) will be curated and shared to build a sense of community and inspire more individuals to participate in our initiative.

Cause-Related Events and Collaborations: Organizing cause-related events and collaborating with influencers and like-minded brands will amplify our cause marketing efforts. These events will bring together individuals and organizations committed to making a difference, further expanding our reach and impact.

By integrating value-based marketing and cause marketing tactics, we will effectively communicate the essence of the “On-The-Go Tray” to our core audience. By aligning our product’s values with the charitable aspect, we will not only resonate with our customers’ preferences but also empower them to be part of a meaningful cause, positively impacting the lives of children in need.

Showcasing the “On-The-Go Tray” at Worthy Events Aligning with Our Core Values

Local marketing integration is a powerful way to create meaningful connections with our target audience and communities. Our strategy involves setting up sales tables at local events that align with the core values of the “On-The-Go Tray.” By participating in these worthy events, we aim to foster brand awareness, engage directly with potential customers, and showcase our commitment to convenience, quality, and giving back.

1. Event Selection:

We will carefully select events that resonate with our brand’s core values and target audience. Our focus will be on community gatherings, health and wellness expos, charity fundraisers, outdoor adventures, and family-friendly events. By participating in events that share our vision of enhancing lifestyles and contributing to meaningful causes, we can better connect with attendees who align with our brand ethos.

2. Creating Impactful Displays:

At these events, we will set up attractive and eye-catching displays that showcase the versatility and practicality of the “On-The-Go Tray.” Our sales tables will be thoughtfully designed to highlight the product’s features and emphasize its relevance to the event’s theme. We will also incorporate signage and visuals that communicate our commitment to giving back and supporting children in need through our charitable initiative.

3. Engaging with Attendees:

Our team will actively engage with event attendees, introducing them to the “On-The-Go Tray” and its unique benefits. By establishing personal connections and sharing the story behind our product, we aim to create a memorable experience for potential customers. We will provide demonstrations, answer questions, and address any inquiries, ensuring that attendees have a comprehensive understanding of the tray’s value and social impact.

4. Offering Exclusive Promotions:

To incentivize purchases at the events, we will offer exclusive promotions and discounts to attendees. These time-sensitive offers will encourage immediate sales and create a sense of urgency among potential customers. By providing additional value through limited-time deals, we will strengthen our brand’s presence and encourage attendees to become advocates for the “On-The-Go Tray.”

5. Collaborating with Event Organizers:

In addition to being vendors at local events, we will collaborate with event organizers to maximize our reach and impact. We will seek opportunities to be featured in event promotions, social media campaigns, and newsletters. By collaborating closely with event hosts, we can build strong partnerships and expand our presence in the local community.

6. Measuring Impact:

Throughout our local marketing integration efforts, we will track and analyze key performance indicators, such as sales conversion rates, customer feedback, and brand awareness metrics. By monitoring the impact of our participation in these events, we can continuously refine our strategy and optimize future local marketing endeavors.

I see local marketing integration as a secondary but powerful avenue to build meaningful connections with our target audience while demonstrating our dedication to convenience, quality, and charitable giving. By actively participating in events that align with our core values, we look forward to engaging with our community, promoting the “On-The-Go Tray,” and making a positive impact, one event at a time.

Daily Operations: Transforming Strategies into Actionable Steps

In the realm of daily operations, we are committed to transforming the comprehensive strategies outlined in previous sections into actionable steps that drive the success of the “On-The-Go Tray” and our overall marketing efforts. With a well-structured plan in place, our team will execute daily marketing activities.

1. Daily Marketing Efforts:

a) Social Media Management: Our dedicated team will actively manage our social media platforms, including Titkok, Facebook, and Instagram. We will post engaging content, such as product features, customer testimonials, and behind-the-scenes glimpses, to foster a loyal and interactive online community. Daily engagement with our audience through comments, direct messages, and shares will be a priority, fostering brand loyalty and advocacy.

b) Content Creation: We will ensure a steady stream of compelling and relevant content across various channels. This will include blog posts, video demonstrations, user-generated content (UGC), and graphics that showcase the versatility and convenience of the “On-The-Go Tray.” Our content will align with our value proposition and resonate with our target audience’s interests and needs.

c) Influencer Partnerships: To expand our reach and tap into new audiences, we will collaborate with influencers who share our brand values and cater to our target demographics. Influencers will create authentic content that highlights the benefits of the “On-The-Go Tray” and promotes our charitable initiative. Their contributions will play a vital role in driving brand awareness and product visibility.

2. Performance Tracking and Analysis:

To gauge the effectiveness of our daily marketing efforts and shipping tasks, we will closely monitor key performance indicators (KPIs). Metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, customer feedback, shipping times, and customer satisfaction will be regularly analyzed. This data-driven approach will allow us to identify areas of improvement, refine strategies, and optimize our daily operations for enhanced customer satisfaction and business growth.

3. Communication and Collaboration:

Smooth communication and collaboration within our team will be pivotal in executing daily operations successfully. Additionally, cross-functional coordination between marketing, sales, and shipping teams will streamline processes and contribute to a cohesive and customer-centric approach.

By translating our strategic plans into actionable steps and leveraging efficient tools and techniques, we are confident in delivering a seamless and impactful experience for our customers while upholding our brand values.

30 Days – Setting Up Systems:

  • Website/Sales Funnel Development: During the first 30 days, we will focus on creating an efficient and user-friendly website and sales funnel. The website will showcase the “On-The-Go Tray” with captivating visuals, persuasive copy, and a seamless purchasing process. We will integrate lead capture forms and implement analytics tools for performance tracking.

  • CRM Software Implementation: Setting up a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is crucial for organizing customer data, managing leads, and enhancing customer interactions. We will select and implement a CRM solution that aligns with our business needs.

  • Shipping System Setup: Establishing a reliable shipping system is essential to deliver orders promptly and maintain customer satisfaction. We will integrate shipping software and collaborate with trusted shipping carriers for efficient order fulfillment.

60 Days – Content Creation and Marketing Launch:

  • Content Development: With systems in place, the next 30 days will be dedicated to content creation. We will produce high-quality content, including blog posts, videos, social media graphics, and influencer collaborations. Content will emphasize the product’s unique features, benefits, and its impact on supporting charitable causes.

  • Marketing Calendar Creation: Our marketing team will develop a detailed marketing calendar, outlining scheduled campaigns, promotions, and influencer partnerships. The calendar will ensure a consistent and cohesive marketing approach across all channels.

  • Pre-Launch Teasers: To generate excitement and anticipation, we will begin teaser campaigns across social media platforms, offering glimpses of the “On-The-Go Tray” and its charitable initiative.

  • Soft Launch: At the 60-day mark or earlier, if the systems are ready, we will conduct a soft launch, allowing us to test the website, sales funnel, and shipping processes. Feedback from initial customers will be invaluable in making necessary refinements.

90 Days and Beyond – Analyze, Optimize, and Expand:

  • Marketing Performance Analysis: After the initial launch, we will closely monitor marketing metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, and social media engagement. This data-driven analysis will help us identify successful strategies and areas for improvement.

  • Revision and Refinement: Based on the performance analysis, we will revise and refine our marketing strategies, adjusting content, ad targeting, and messaging to better resonate with our target audience.

  • Continued Marketing Efforts: We will sustain ongoing marketing efforts, running targeted ads, launching seasonal campaigns, and leveraging influencer partnerships to maintain momentum and reach new audiences.

  • Partnership Expansion: To amplify our cause marketing efforts, we will actively seek collaborations with charitable organizations that align with our mission. Building strategic partnerships will extend our reach and enhance the impact of our charitable initiatives.

  • Customer Feedback Loop: Customer feedback will be an integral part of our continuous improvement process. We will actively seek feedback through surveys, reviews, and direct communication to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Our marketing timeline outlines a strategic and well-structured approach to launch the “On-The-Go Tray” successfully. By setting up systems, creating compelling content, and utilizing cause marketing tactics, we aim to captivate our target audience and establish a strong brand presence. With careful analysis and continuous optimization, we will fuel growth, engage loyal customers, and make a positive impact through our charitable initiatives.

Terms of Engagement

Duration: The proposed term of engagement will be for 6 months, commencing on the start date agreed upon by both parties. At the end of the 90-day mark, there will be an evaluation to determine whether both parties wish to continue with the engagement for the full 6-month term.

Payment: The agreed-upon compensation for the services rendered will be $2,000 per month, payable on a monthly basis. This payment structure will reflect the value provided during the duration of the engagement.

Time Commitment: The dedicated time commitment for this project will be an average of 30-40 hours per week, equivalent to an average hourly rate of $13.50. This includes comprehensive work on marketing strategies, content creation, monitoring, and regular communication.

Evaluation and Future Engagement: After the initial 90-day period, both parties will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the collaboration. This evaluation will be the basis for deciding whether to continue with the engagement for the full 6-month term or consider adjustments based on progress and objectives achieved.

Client-Service Provider Relationship: This engagement is solely for contracted work, establishing a client-service provider relationship between the parties involved. No employment or employer-employee relationship is intended or implied.

Remote Work: The majority of the work will be conducted remotely, leveraging digital communication channels to maintain a seamless workflow. Weekly or bi-weekly in person meetings will be scheduled as needed to discuss project progress, address any concerns, and maintain open communication.

Confidentiality and Data Security: Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary information shared during the course of the engagement. Adequate data security measures will be employed to protect sensitive information.

Contract Amendment and Renewal: After the initial 6-month term, both parties will reconvene to renegotiate the terms of engagement for potential future projects. This process will include adjustments to compensation, time commitment, and scope of work as necessary.

Termination Clause: In the event that either party wishes to terminate the engagement before the completion of the 6-month term, a written notice will be provided at least 30 days prior to the desired termination date.

Legal Governing: This document does not constitute a legally binding contract but lays out the key terms and understanding between the parties. Any formal contract or agreement will be drafted separately and mutually agreed upon by both parties.

Signatures: By agreeing to the terms outlined above, both parties acknowledge their acceptance and commitment to fulfilling their respective roles within the scope of this engagement.

To ensure the successful implementation of the marketing plan and seamless daily operations, it’s essential to be transparent about the associated costs beyond the service fee. Below are the key cost components that will be incurred during the duration of the engagement:

  1. CRM and Shipping System: In order to streamline customer relationship management and shipping operations efficiently, access to a reliable CRM and shipping system will be necessary. These platforms will facilitate order management, customer communication, and tracking of shipping activities. The monthly cost for utilizing these systems will be estimated and communicated beforehand.

  2. Ad Spend: As part of the marketing strategy, targeted advertising campaigns will be launched to increase brand visibility and drive sales. The budget for ad spend will be allocated based on the proposed marketing plan and objectives. Regular monitoring and optimization of ad campaigns will be conducted to ensure cost-effectiveness.

  3. Shipping Materials: As orders start coming in, shipping materials such as packaging, labels, and inserts will be essential to ensure that products are delivered to customers securely and with a positive brand impression. The estimated cost for shipping materials will be included in the overall budget.

  4. Influencer Giveaways: Collaborating with influencers is an effective strategy to garner attention and generate buzz around the product. As part of the influencer marketing efforts, giveaways and promotional activities may be organized to further increase product visibility. The cost of these influencer giveaways will be factored into the budget.

While there will be additional costs associated with implementing the marketing plan and daily operations, rest assured that all expenses will be discussed and agreed upon before execution.

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